International Women’s Day is a global celebration marked every March 8th worldwide. It celebrates the contributions of women in politics, education, economy, and social arenas in the past, present, and future and makes a call to accelerate gender equality.
Although there have been incredible strides in women empowerment and equity (with the election of the first female, black, and Asian vice president to the U.S. and women leaders in Germany and New Zealand, women’s full participation in leadership), decision making, and critical aspects of the economy are still underrepresented.1
We all need to take action to accelerate gender equality. Let’s teach our children about equality and make them aware of strong female leaders.
What’s The History Of International Women’s Day?
In February 1908, thousands of women working as garment workers held a striking match in New York City to protest against the poor working conditions for women. The women complained of low wages, sexual harassment, and poor working conditions.2
The workplace did not have proper structures, and men always had better pay and an upper hand. International Women’s Day was created in honor of the strike that lasted for more than a year. A nation’s Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in the U.S on February 28th, 1909, championed by the Socialist Party of America.1
The first International Women’s Day celebration in the U.S. was held in 1911. Clara Zetkin, a German women’s rights advocate, championed turning the day into an international movement during the International Conference of Working Women in 1910. Her effects bore fruit and led to the recognition of the day throughout Europe by 1910.3
Since then, more countries have adopted the day, and it is marked on March 8th globally to advocate for women’s rights and equality around the world.4
What’s The International Women’s Day 2022 Theme?
Every year, women’s day has a unique theme. The official 2022 International Women’s Day theme is #BreakTheBias. The theme calls for us to acknowledge the bias that exists but also a call for action to stop the bias.1 Discrimination against women, whether intentional or unconscious, makes it difficult for women to succeed.
How To Celebrate International Women’s Day
World leaders have taken massive steps to forging a path to gender equity, but we all have to be involved, no matter how little effort we make.
There are various ways to participate and mark International Women’s Day 2022. You can observe the day at home or work. From sharing women empowerment quotes to advocating for gender equity at work to listening to music from your favorite female icons – use the day to remind yourself and others of the immense contribution of women to the world.
This blog post will give you 10 excellent ways to celebrate and participate in International Women’s Day 2022 and advocate for gender equity.
Share The Theme On Social Media
One impactful way to celebrate the day is by participating in the #BreakTheBias social media campaign. You can wear a branded t-shirt or use online design tools to create social media graphics. Share a photo of you crossing your arms to show solidarity and share with #BreakTheBias #IWD2022 to challenge others to advocate for an inclusive world.
Share International Women’s Day Quotes
There’s no better time to share inspiring words spoken by powerful women on your preferred social media platforms alongside the #BreakTheBias than on International Women’s Day. Here are a few examples:
“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.” — Kamala Harris
“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.”— Gloria Steinem
Recognize The Incredible Women In Your Circles
Take a moment to encourage a woman in your life and tell them how awesome they are. It could be your mom, grandma, sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend, or friend. A simple word of encouragement through text, a call, or a video call will surely make them smile. You can also send an inspiring email to your female colleagues and tell them why you think they are amazing women.
Donate To A Charity That Supports Women
Donating is an easy way to make a difference by supporting the worthy cause of charitable organizations that support women locally or internationally. Check online for organizations that do incredible work supporting women’s rights and empowerment.
Advocate For Gender Equality in Your Workplace
Women face a lot of bias in the workplace. Women are more likely to be laid off or leave their jobs due to the increased burden of managing households work and childcare responsibilities. Although the world has made considerable strides in equal pay for women, some countries and organizations still lag behind.
All countries and organizations should create an inclusive work environment to bridge this gap. If you have a say at your workplace, champion better company policies that ensure fair and equal support to women, especially maternity leave, flexible work schedules, and coach and promote women to leadership positions.
Champion a lunch hour discussion on all the challenges women face in the workplace. Give both genders time to share their thoughts. Only when women get equal inclusion in leadership can the world solve the problems and create a more promising future.
Support Women-Owned Or Run Businesses
When women succeed in business, it contributes to equal economic empowerment for all genders. This International Women’s Day, deliberately support a woman-owned or run business. Challenge your coworkers, family, and friends to do the same on this day.
Involve Men in The Conversation
Although the International Women’s Day initiatives target women, everyone needs to be involved in the conversations. Men should also participate in women empowerment discussions since they can also be critical advocates for gender equity. They can offer solutions and influence other men to support women and tackle the issue of sexism. When men are engaged, there is more progress. For any activity you take to celebrate International Women’s Day, tag along with the men in your life, and let’s share how to stop the bias on gender.
Read A Book Written By a Female Icon
Books give more knowledge and understanding of the challenges that women face worldwide. Read a book with your kids or friends whose primary focus is women empowerment and those that celebrate women’s achievements. Here are four fantastic books written by inspiring women to get you started.
- I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb
- You Are Not A Princess (And That’s Ok!) by Melanie Berliet
- She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World by Chelsea Clinton
- We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Listen To Girl-Power Music
So what if you cannot find time to read? Compile a playlist on Spotify with female artists. You can listen to it all day long. You can also watch girl power movies that have inspiring female leads or characters such as Moana or Frozen. Don’t forget to share with your friends.
Avoid Participating In Celeb Gossip That Bullies Women
It’s no secret how sexist and misleading the media can be judging by how women gossip stories attract more attention. Before you sit and listen to gossip that touches on a woman, take a moment to think about how that woman will feel. Take a moment to imagine how you would feel if you were in the same position. Don’t participate in gossip that clearly shows that the woman celerity did not deserve that treatment or those that shame women dressing.
Imagine a free and gender-equal world free from bias and discrimination. A world that is inclusive, equitable, and safe, where women are celebrated with women’s achievement and the constitution they bring to the world. Together we can #BreakTheBias by celebrating women’s achievement and advocating for a gender-equal world free from stereotyping and violence against women. We can choose to call out gender bias and inequality and decide to celebrate the remarkable contributions of women. Let’s #Breakthebias.
Happy International Women’s Day from us at Mother Earth Products.
- https://www.internationalwomensday.com
- https://time.com/5187268/international-womens-day-history/
- https://www.unfpa.org/events/international-womens-day
- https://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/international-womens-day
- https://www.parents.com/parents-magazine/parents-perspective/celebrate-international-womens-day-on-march-8/
- https://www.workflowmax.com/blog/10-excellent-ways-to-celebrate-international-womens-day
- https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/a26713899/how-to-celebrate-international-womens-day-at-work/